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Simple SMTP Plugin for Wordpress


Many site owners face the spam mail problem for using the WordPress default PHP mail function(). There may be some restrictions when it comes to mail service: sometimes emails are not delivered, sites cross the limit of outgoing mail. Bit SMTP plugin allows you to authenticate the mail service of your site by configuring the SMTP server of your desired mail service. SMTP is a protocol that helps your WordPress site make its email deliverability more easygoing & reliable. By enabling this feature, you can send mail from your site to your recipients via your preferred mail server.

How does SMTP works:

At first, you have to open an account on your desired hosting provider (e.g.: MailGun, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Zoho mail). By opening an account, you are authenticating your WordPress site. They will provide you the necessary credentials (e.g., Encryption type, SMTP port ). You have to put this information when configuring SMTP on your site. Once your site is authenticated, you can send mail through your preferred SMTP server. All the email validation work will be done on your specified SMTP server.

Mail Services:

To access all the mail services, you need professional mail addresses. The mail services you can use through this plugin:

1. MailGun SMTP [5,000 free email /per month for three months]

2. Gmail SMTP [6,000 free email/per month]

3. Hotmail

4. Yahoo


6. ZOHO Mail

7. Outlook

8. SendGrid



SMTP Host : smtp.mailgun.org

Type of Encryption :TLS

SMTP Port: 587


SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com

Type of Encryption: TLS

SMTP Port: 587


SMTP Host: smtp.live.com

Type of Encryption: TLS

SMTP Port: 587


SMTP Host: smtp.mail.yahoo.com

Type of Encryption: SSL

SMTP Port: 465


SMTP Host: smtp.zoho.com

Type of Encryption: TSL

SMTP Port: 587


SMTP Host: http://email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

Type of Encryption: TLS

SMTP Port: 587


SMTP host: smtp.sendgrid.net

Encrypted: TLS

port: 587


SMTP host: smtp-relay.sendinblue.com

encrypted: TLS

port: 587


SMTP host: smtp-mail.outlook.com

Type of Encryption: TLS

port: 587

Bit SMTP Settings:

Enable SMTP: Yes/No if option Yes plugin is enabled or option is No plugin is disabled (This option should always be checked “Yes”).

From Email Address: The email address that will be used to send emails to your recipients.

From Name: The name your recipients will see as part of the “from” or “sender” value when they receive your message.

Reply-To Email Address: The email address will be used to Reply-to email address to your recipients.

SMTP Host: Your outgoing mail server (example: smtp.gmail.com).

Type of Encryption: SSL/TLS.

SMTP Port: The port will be used to relay outbound mail to your mail server (example: 587).

SMTP Authentication: No/Yes (This option should always be checked “Yes”).

Username: The username that you use to log in to your mail server.

Password: The password that you use to login into your mail server.

Bit SMTP Testing:

This testing option will help you verify that your website can relay outgoing mail to the referred recipients. SMTP testing option consists of :

To Field: Type the email address to whom you want to send the mail.

Message Field: Write your desired message to this text field.