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Bit Form Integration With WooCommerce

The direct integration of Bit Form with WooCommerce makes it easy for our users to handle creating & editing their WooCommerce products and customers. For in-depth details, go through this documentation.

Authorization Process

1. Before setting up the integration, you must confirm that the WooCommerce plugin is activated on your e-commerce site. Otherwise, the integration will not work.

2. Select the form you want to apply the WooCommerce integration; after that, follow the below instructions. Follow this path:Settings => Integrations => Click on (+) => Click on WooCommerce


3. Now, click on the connect button to complete authorization settings.


Integration Settings for product create & edit

After authorization, you have to follow the below instructions:

1. Select the module where you want to send values from Bit Form. Select the module as Product if you’re going to create any products on the site.


2. Then map the necessary form fields with the required WooCommerce fields from the Map Fieldsoption.


3. You can only create Simple Products and Affiliate Products through Bit Form. When you map all the form fields, you have to remember some default values on WooCommerce fields. So you have to mention those values on the back end of the form builder. Which are:

  • Product status – pending, draft, publish, future, private & trash.
  • Product type – simple, external
  • Allow Backorder – no, notify, yes
  • Allow Reviews – open, closed
  • Virtual – yes, no
  • Manage Stock – yes, no
  • Sold Individually – yes, no
  • Downloadable – yes, no

info-icon-bit-apps  INFO

The values are case-sensitive, so make sure to give it the same value as all small letters.

4. You can customize the product categories & tags according to your choice from Bit Form. Also, you can use the default options here. All the categories will be parent type.

tip-icon  TIP

If any of the categories or tags already exist in your WoocCommerce, then it will be referenced to that particular category/tag, otherwise, it will create a new one.

5. If you select the downloadable product, then you have to add attachment file fields. For this, you have to map the form field from the Map file upload fields section which is Downloadable Files.


6. After completing the settings, you have to set the conditions for when will this integration will work. Don’t forget to specify the integration name, otherwise, the integration will not work properly.


7. When you submit any form, it will be added as a product on the website. You can see those data from the responses page.

8. You can view the integration success message from the timeline. Also, you can edit the value from the details of the responses. Moreover, the values will be updated directly on the product list.

Watch the WooCommerce Product integration tutorial here!

Integration Settings for customer create & edit through Bit Form

1. After the authorization process, select the module as Customer to create a customer account on site.


2. When you select the module, you will see the Map Fields option where two fields- Email and username, are mapped by default. You can map multiple fields according to your choice for the customer module.


3. After completing the settings, you have to set the conditions when this integration works. Don’t forget to specify the integration name; otherwise, the integration will not work correctly.


4. When customers submit any form, it will be added to the Users section on your woo-commerce site. Also, the admin can view submissions from the Bit Form responses page.

5. Admin can see the success message of integration from the timeline of that specific submission.

6. Also, you can edit the value from the details of the responses. Moreover, the values will be updated directly on the Users option.

Watch the tutorial here!

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