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How to translate Bit Form

Many of you have wanted to translate the Bit Form into your native language. So, in this tutorial, we are going to tell you how to transform your Bit Form into a multilingual form builder. We didn’t translate our Bit Form into other languages, but we have made this plugin ready for translating by anyone on the internet. Before that, you should know a few things here:

  1. Become a WordPress.org user: To translate Bit Form, you first need a WordPress.org user account because we will translate Bit Form via the translate.wordpress.org website.
    To login into WordPress, go to: login.wordpress.org/

Or register from: login.wordpress.org/register/


2. Translated at least 90% of the stable release string: To see all the translated strings into your Bit Form for a language, 90% of all strings must be translated before WordPress makes a language file for that particular language. For more info on how this works: Click Here


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Note: By default, you will be role as a general user for the translation page of Bit Form for any particular language. But if you are willing to become the editor of that language, you can mail us at: [email protected].

➤ After login in successfully, to translate the Bit Form you have to go to this URL: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bit-form/. By visiting this URL, you will see a list of available translatable language lists for Bit Form.


➤ Click on the preferred language name from the locale list to translate.


➤ After that, you will be redirected to a page with a list of set/sub-projects. From here, click on the stable (latest release) option.


➤ Then, you will be redirected to a page with all the strings available for translating, which has been used throughout the plugin.


➤ You can filter out the strings which have not been translated yet, by clicking on this link. Then you will see the list of all original strings.


➤ Click on the Details button or double-click on the description, and you will get an input box to input the translated string there. Then based on your role (user -> suggesteditor -> save), click on the button to save the translation.


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➤ The suggest button means your translated string will go to the approval list, which will have to be approved by the admin or contributor of WordPress.
➤ The save button is for the editor, which means your translated string will directly affect the language file.
➤ Not only untranslated, you even can suggest or edit already translated strings if you find any mistake in them.

Just like that, you can translate the Bit Form to your native language very easily.

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Translate Bit Form

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