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Bit form Smart Tags

Smart tags are helpful to display and get static and dynamic information from the user. A smart tag is some form of default short-code of Bit Form, which gets the static information of the WordPress user you use.
For example: Here is a smart tag ${_bf_admin_email} that can be used in the Email template to pull the site admin email. Also, you can show this information in your form on the front end with conditional logic and form submitted success or error message. Smart Tags use the dollar sign and curly brackets, and look something like.
Example: ${_bf_user_display_name}

How to use Smart Tags


You can get a User IP address by sending it to a third-party app via integration. First, set up a complete authorization process for integration. Then you will get the option to map the form field. There you will find the section of general smart code, and select the user IP address.

Conditional logic

On form load: The On Form Load action is used to dynamically alter a Form when it is loaded. The Form actions On Form Load are executed when the Form is loaded by a user. When a page is loaded and you want to pre-filled some field value. There are two ways to pre-filled a value:

  1. Use an initial field key in field properties in the form builder.
  2. Use the parameter in the URL. The parameter in the URL: website_url?field_api_name=field_value Example: https://www.bitappspro/?bf1-1=${_bf_user_first_name}

In the above example, after the form loading First Name will be User First Name and User Last Name. Many kinds of logic are used for On Form Load such as Equal, Not Equal, Is Null, Is Not Null, Contain, Not Contain, Start With, and End With.

Email Notification

You can send the admin name, email, and more default WordPress static data using smart tags via email notifications. Then you need to create an email template or edit the existing email template.
Next, you will find the Smart tag fields option. Select the option from the Drop-Down list that you want to send the data into the email notification.

Basic Smart Tags

Current Date Time${_bf_current_time}
Administrator Email${_bf_admin_email}
Date (default format)${_bf_date_default}
Referer URL${_bf_http_referer_url}

Current Date Time

This smart tag inserted the current date and time when a form was submitted. The date and time will be set in your WordPress date and time format.
Example: ${_bf_current_time}

Administrator Email

This Smart Tag will insert the email address of the website administrator from your WordPress settings.
Example: ${_bf_admin_email}

Date (default format)

This smart tag inserted the date when a form was submitted. The date will be set in your WordPress default date format.
Example: ${_bf_date_default}


This smart tag is inserted on time when submitting a form. Example: If anyone submits the form at 11:00 am. Then with this smart tag, you know which time the user has submitted the form.



This smart tag is inserted on weekdays when submitting a form. Example: If anyone submits the form on Friday. Then with this smart tag, you know which day the user has submitted the form.
Example: ${_bf_weekday}

Referer URL

This Smart Tag will insert the URL address of the page that referred the user to the current page.
Example: ${_bf_http_referer_url}

Custom User Data

User IP Address${_bf_ip_address}
Browser Name${_bf_browser_name}
Random String${_bf_random_digit}
Operating System${_bf_operating_system}

User IP Address

This smart tag allows you to see the IP address of the user who submitted the form. Example: ${_bf_ip_address}

Browser Name

To submit your form, the user has to submit the form from a computer or mobile through the browser. If you’d like to know the Browser name of anyone who fills out your forms, you can use this Smart Tag. Example: ${_bf_browser_name}

Random String

This smart tag generates a unique string.
Example: ${_bf_random_digit}

Operating System

If you’d like to know the operating system of anyone who fills out your forms, you can use this Smart Tag. Example: ${_bf_operating_system}

Author Details

Post Author ID${_bf_author_id}
Post Author Display Name${_bf_author_display}
Post Author Email${_bf_author_email}

Post Author ID

Each user has a unique Author ID. If you’d like to know the Author ID of the post or page on which the form is embedded, you can use this Smart Tag.
Example: ${_bf_author_id}

Post Author Display Name

Each user has an Author Display Name. If you’d like to know the Author’s Display Name of the post or page on which the form is embedded, you can use this Smart Tag.
Example: ${_bf_author_display}

Post Author Email

Each user has an Author Email. If you’d like to know the Author’s Email of the post or page on which the form is embedded, you can use this Smart Tag.
Example: ${_bf_author_email}

User Management

User ID${_bf_user_id}
User First Name${_bf_user_first_name}
User Last Name${_bf_user_last_name}
User Display Name${_bf_user_display_name}
User Nice Name${_bf_user_nice_name}
User Login Name${_bf_user_login_name}
User Email${_bf_user_email}
User URL${_bf_user_url}
Current User Role${_bf_current_user_role}
Site Title${_bf_site_title}
Site Description${_bf_site_description}
Site URL${_bf_site_url}
WordPress Locale Code${_bf_wp_local_codes}
Embedded Page / Post ID${_bf_post_id}
Embedded Page / Post Name${_bf_post_name}
Embedded Page / Post Title${_bf_post_title}
Embedded Page / Post URL${_bf_post_url}
Post Publish Date${_bf_post_date}
Post Modified Date${_bf_post_modified_date}
URL Query Parameter${_bf_query_param()}
User Meta Key${_bf_user_meta_key()}
Custom Date Format${_bf_custom_date_format()}

User ID

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a unique ID number. If you’d like to know the User ID when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag. Example: ${_bf_user_id}

User First Name

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a First Name. If you’d like to know the First Name when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_first_name}

User Last Name

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a Last Name. If you’d like to know the Last Name when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_last_name}

User Display Name

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a Display Name. If you’d like to know the Display Name when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_display_name}

User Nice Name

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a Nice Name. If you’d like to know the Nice Name when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_nice_name}

User Login Name

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a Login Name. If you’d like to know the Login Name when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_login_name}

User Email

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a Login Name. If you’d like to know the Login Name when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_email}

User URL

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a profile. If you’d like to know the profile URL when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_url}

Current User Role

Each registered user on your WordPress site has a User Role. If you’d like to know the user role when a logged-in user submits your form, you can use this smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_current_user_role}

Site Title

This smart tag inserts the title of your website in your WordPress settings.
Example: ${_bf_site_title}

Site Description

This smart tag inserts the Tagline/Description of your website in your WordPress settings. Example: ${_bf_site_description}

Site URL

This smart tag inserts the Site URL of your website set in your WordPress settings.
Example: ${_bf_site_url}

WordPress Locale Code

This smart tag inserts the WordPress Locale Code(Site Language) of your website in your WordPress settings. If the user submits the form while logging in to WordPress, the user will see the language code added to WordPress.
Example: ${_bf_wp_local_codes}

Embedded Page / Post ID

If you want to know the ID of the page/post from which page/post is submitting the form., you can use this Smart Tag. Each page/post ID on your WordPress site has a unique ID.
Example: ${_bf_post_id}

Embedded Page / Post Name

If you want to know the Name of the page/post from which page/post is submitting the form, you can use this Smart Tag. Each page/post Name on your WordPress site has a Name.
Example: ${_bf_post_name}

Embedded Page / Post Title

If you want to know the Title of the page/post from which page/post is submitting the form, you can use this Smart Tag. Each page/post Title on your WordPress site has a Title.
Example: ${_bf_post_title}

Embedded Page / Post URL

If you want to know the URL of the page/post from which page/post is submitting the form, you can use this Smart Tag. Each page/post URL on your WordPress site has a URL.
Example: ${_bf_post_url}

Post Publish Date

If you want to know the publish date of the page/post from which page/post is submitting the form, you can use this Smart Tag.
Example: ${_bf_post_date}

Post Modified Date

If you want to know the last Modified Date of the page/post from which page/post is submitting the form, you can use this Smart Tag.
Example: ${_bf_post_modified_date}

User Meta Key

If you have a custom user field in WordPress (Meta Box, ACF) then using this smart tag you will get the data of the custom field. To get the data of the custom field, you have to put the key of the custom field inside the smart tag.
Example: ${_bf_user_meta_key(company_name)}

Custom Date Format

This smart tag inserted the custom date and time when a form was submitted. The date and time will be set in your WordPress date and time format.
Example: ${_bf_custom_date_format(l, F j, Y)}


With this smart tag you can count the words in a field.

Example: ${_bf_count(Message)}

In the example provided, a condition is established wherein if the Message field is not empty, the words inputted into the Message field will be counted and displayed in the Message field Helper Text.


This smart tag helps you count how many letters you’ve typed into a field.

Example: ${_bf_length(Message)}

In the example above, we’ve established a condition: if the Message field isn’t empty, the letters entered in the Message field will be counted and displayed in the Message field Helper Text.

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